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14 March 2010

The Year of the Bullock

Sandra Bullock reached greater heights this past Sunday as she not only earned her own golden little man for the mantel place for Best Actress in a Leading Role in The Blind Side, but rather as she stole the show in her elegant and more than fitting Marchesa gown. Bullock complimented the red carpet and dazzled fellow fashionistas with her old Hollywood tribute of upscale glam and glitter.

2010 is her year, not only did she win her first and warranted Oscar, she also attended the Razzie awards in Hollywood and accepted the Worst Actress Razzie all in the same year! Her performance in All About Steve, left viewers less than thrilled with her performance and chemistry with Bradley Cooper. Thoughtful and playful Sandy walked on stage gracefully with a wagon full of DVDs for the entire audience to take home and critique the film for themselves. Sandra Bullock’s genuine and sweet demeanor earned her spot in the limelight years ago, we are just glad she’s finally been recognized and not left in the blindside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

right on.