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14 April 2011

Feathered Frenzy

When you're tired of your go to statement fringe that takes your outfit from zero to sixty in seconds what can a fashionista do to make a statement that screams bold, confidant and beautiful just as loud? Feathers. Feathers in your hair. Feathers on your dress. Feathers on your bag. Feathers on your shoes. Just feathers. 

Is it the influence from Natalie Portman's breathtaking performance in Black Swan that has characterized our feathered friends with humanistic traits? Or is it a natural draw to nature's organic beauty? Whatever it is, we are loving it and are ready to spread our wings and embrace the boldest trend of 2011.


pink elephants said...

pillow fight anyone? i have a developed allergy to feathers but still love to wear them all over my body!

Anonymous said...

We should all wear feathers and angel wings!